Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Excerpt from: The Log of Christopher Columbus * Tuesday, 15 January 1493 (Part 1 of 4)

Taken from The Log of Christopher Columbus (Part 1 of 4)
Tuesday, 15 January 1493

I wish to depart because nothing is gained by staying here. Too many disagreements have taken place. I have also learned today that the bulk of the gold is in the vicinity of Your Highnesses’ Villa de la Navidad. There is a great deal of copper on the island of Caribe and on Matinino, but it would be difficult to obtain it in Caribe because the people eat human flesh. I can see the island of Caribe* and have determined to go there, since it is on the course to the island of Matinino, which is inhabited only by women. I want to see both of these islands and take some of the inhabitants with me.

*Columbus can see the eastern half of the Cordillera Oriental, across Samana Bay and thinks it is a separate island.

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