Friday, January 3, 2014

Excerpt from: The Log of Christopher Columbus * Thursday, 3 January 1493

Taken from The Log of Christopher Columbus
Thursday, 3 January 1493

I did not leave today because last night three of the Indians who had come with me from the other islands and remained here on land, reported to me that other Indians and their wives were coming today at sunrise. The sea had also changed somewhat, and the small boat could not go ashore. I determined to depart tomorrow, the grace of God permitting.

If I had the Pinta with me, I would certainly have obtained a cask of gold because I would have been willing to follow the coasts of these islands. But being alone, I would not dare risk this as I do not want anything to befall me and prevent my returning to Castile and informing the Sovereigns of everything I have found. If I were certain that the Pinta would reach Spain in safety with Martin Alonso Pinzon, I would not hesitate to continue the exploration. But because I do not know if this will happen, and since Pinzon would be able to lie to the Sovereigns to avoid the punishment he deserves for leaving me without permission and preventing all the good that might have come about and all that might have been learned at this time, I feel confident that Our Lord will give me good weather and everything will be remedied.

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