Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Excerpt from: The Log of Christopher Columbus * Tuesday, January 8, 1493 (Part 1 of 2)

Taken from The Log of Christopher Columbus
Tuesday, 8 January 1493 (Part 1 of 2)

Because of a strong east and SE wind I did not start today, but I ordered the ships supplied with wood and water and everything necessary for the voyage. Although I wanted to sail this entire coast of the Isla Espanola, which I could do maintaining my course, my captains on the caravels are brothers, that is to say, Martin Alonso Pinzon and Vincente Yanez Pinzon, and their followers are greedy and untrustworthy. They do not respect the honor I have shown them, and they have not and do not obey my commands. Rather, they have done and said many unjust things against me, and Martin Alonso left me from 22 November to 6 January, without cause or reason, but from disobedience. All this I have endured in silence, in order to finish my voyage successfully. On account of this, in order to escape such bad company, which I have to ignore, I have decided to return with the greatest possible haste and not to stop longer. Although there are many disobedient people among the crew, there are also many good men. Now is not the time to think about their punishment.
This picture of the Pinzon brothers statue was found on the Internet

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