Sunday, January 12, 2014

Excerpt from: The Log of Christopher Columbus * Sunday, 13 January 1493 (Part 2 of 4)

Taken from The Log of Christopher Columbus (Part 2 of 4)
Sunday, 13 January 1493

I did not leave this anchorage because there was no land breeze. I would like to have left to get a better harbor because this place is somewhat exposed. Also, I wanted to observe the conjunction of the moon* with the sun, which is expected to occur on the 17th of this month, as well as the conjunction of the moon with Mercury, and the opposition of both the moon and the sun to Jupiter, which is the cause of great winds.

(The astronomy is correct, except that Mars is omitted; it is Mars that is in conjunction with Mercury. Columbus obviously carried an astronomical table with him on the voyage.)

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