Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Excerpt from: The Log of Christopher Columbus * Tuesday, 22 January 1493

Taken from The Log of Columbus
Tuesday, 22 January 1493

Yesterday after sunset I sailed to the NNE with the wind east and veering to the SE. I made 6 knots during the five half-hour glasses and for three before the watch began. I thus made 24 miles. Then I went to the north by east for six glasses, which would be another 18 miles. I then went for four glasses of the second watch to the NE at 4 ½ knots, which is 9 miles to the NE. From then until sunrise I went to the ENE during 11 glasses at 4 ½ knots, or 24 ¾ miles. I then went ENE until 11 o’clock in the morning, 24 miles. The wind became dead calm and I went no further today.

The Indians went swimming, and we saw ringtails and a great deal of seaweed.
If you remember, Columbus “took” a few Indians on his return voyage to Spain.

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