Monday, January 13, 2014

Excerpt from: The Log of Christopher Columbus * Monday, 14 January 1493 (Part 2 of 2)

Taken from The Log of Christopher Columbus (Part 2 of 2)
Monday, 14 January 1493

The caravels are leaking badly at the keel, largely because they were caulked very badly in Palos. Before we departed Spain, when I saw the poor work of the caulkers and tried to compel them to do the job right, they fled. Despite the considerable amount of water that the caravels are taking in, I have faith in Our Lord that He who brought me here will lead me back in His pity and mercy, for His Divine Majesty well knows how much controversy I had before starting from Castile, and no one else was supportive of me except God, because He knew my heart; and, after God, Your Highnesses supported me, but everyone else opposed me without any reason whatsoever. And they have been the reason why the Royal Crown of Your Highnesses does not have a hundred million more in revenue that it has, because I came to serve you seven years ago, on the 20th of January, this very month. In addition, there would have been the natural increase from that time on. But Almighty God will take care of everything.

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