Thursday, January 9, 2014

Excerpt from: The Log of Christopher Columbus * Wednesday, 9 January 1492 (Part 2)

Taken from the Log of Columbus
Wednesday, 9 January 1492 (Part 2)

In this country there are many tortoises, the sailors captured some of them that had come ashore to lay their eggs at Monte Cristi. They are very large, like great wooden shields. Yesterday, when I was going to the Rio del Oro, I saw three sirens* that came up very high out of the sea. They are not as beautiful as they are painted, since I some way they have a face like a man. I have seen them on other occasions in Guinea on the coast of Manegueta.* Tonight, in the name of Our Lord, I will start on my journey without further delay for any reason, since I have found what I have sought. Also, I do not wish to have more trouble with this Martin Alonso until Your Highnesses learn the news of this voyage and what he has done. Then I will not suffer from the evil actions of persons without virtue, who, with little regard, presume to follow their own wills in opposition to those who did them honor.

*The common manatee, known is Spanish as sirena until the Taino word manatee came into use after Columbus, thence into English

*Malagueta Coast of Liberia and Sierra Leone.

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