Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Excerpt from: The Log of Christopher Columbus * Monday, 24 December 1492 (Part 1)

Taken from The Log of Christopher Columbus (Part 1)
Monday, 24 December 1492

Before sunrise I weighed anchors with a land breeze. Among the many Indians who had come to the ship yesterday, telling us about gold on the island and where it ...could be found, was one who appeared to be better disposed and more friendly. I flattered him, and asked him to go with me to show me the gold mines; he accepted the invitation, bringing with him a companion, or relative. Among the other places they named where gold could be found was Japan, which they call Cibao.* They said that there is a great quantity of gold there and that the Cacique carries banners of hammered gold, but that it is a great distance to the east.

(Picture was found on the Internet and is a hammered gold, pre-Columbian nose ring.)

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