Monday, December 30, 2013

Excerpt from: The Log of Columbus * Sunday, 30 December 1492 (Part 1)

Taken from The Log of Christopher Columbus
Sunday, 30 December 1492

I went ashore to eat and arrived at the time when five Kings, who were subjects of Guacanagari,* arrived. They all wore crowns as an indication of their high rank, and Your Highnesses would be pleased to witness their bearing. When I came shore, the King took me by the arm and led me to the same house where I was yesterday, where he had the raised platform and the chair for me to sit in. he then took off his crown from his own head and placed it upon mine, and I took from around my neck a necklace of good bloodstones - very beautiful beads of fine colors, excellent in every way - and placed them around his neck. I then took off a cloak of fine scarlet cloth that I was wearing that day and clothed the King with it. I also sent for some colored boots, laced with leather thongs, and made him put them on, and I placed upon his finger a large silver ring. I had been told that he had seen a silver ring on one of my sailors and desired it very much. The King was joyful and overwhelmed, and two of these kings who were there with Guacanagari came to me, each presenting me with a large gold plaque.

*This is the first time Columbus has used the cacique’s formal name.

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