Sunday, December 22, 2013

Excerpt from: The Log of Columbus * Saturday, 22 December 1492 (Part 1)

Taken from The Log of Columbus

Saturday, 22 December 1492

(The Log becomes convoluted at this point. The entry for 22 December also contains material for 23 December, as well as additional commentary by Las Casas (the priest who translated this from Latin) omitted in this translation. Even with events assigned to their correct sequence, the account of the visit of Columbus’ secretary to the village seems to be told twice, in parallel but slightly varied accounts.)

I set sail at dawn in order to go on my course in search of the islands that the Indians said contained a great deal of gold. Some are said to have more gold than is to be found on the mainland. But the weather was not favorable, and I had to anchor again. I sent the boat to fish with nets.

The Chief* of this country, who lives near here, sent a large canoe full of people, among whom was one of his principle advisors. He begged me to go with the ships to his country and said that he would give me anything he had. He sent me a belt which had hanging from it, in place of a purse, a mask with two large ears, a tongue, and a nose of hammered gold. These people are so generous; they give whatever is asked of them, willingly, and it seems that you are doing them a favor to request something from them.

*The first reference to the great Cacique, Guacanagari.

The comment, "*The first reference to the great Cacique, Guacanagari," was made by the author of the book, The Log of Columbus.  Many Taino people, past and present, believe Guacanagari was a traitor.

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