Monday, December 23, 2013

Excerpt from: The Log of Christopher Columbus * Sunday, 23 December 1492 (Part 3)

Taken from The Log of Christopher Columbus (Part 3)

Sunday, 23 December 1492

A great many Indians came back with the sailor, carrying for them all the gifts and items of trade. They contended among themselves for the honor of carrying my people on their shoulders and actually did carry them across some rivers and swampy places. I ordered that some things should be given to the Chief, and he and all his people were greatly please, believing that we had come from Heaven and that they were fortunate in seeing us. More than 120 canoes came to the ships today. They all brought something, especially their bread and fish, small earthen jars of water, and seeds of many good kinds of spices. Some of these seeds they put in a gourd full of water and drank it, and the Indians with me said that is very healthy.

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