Monday, December 23, 2013

Excerpt from: The Log of Christopher Columbus * Sunday, 23 December 1492 (Part 4)

Taken from The Log of Christopher Columbus (Part 4)

Sunday, 23 December 1492

I think that more than 1,000 persons came to the ship, all bringing something from what they possessed. Even before these canoes reached the ship, at a distance of half a crossbow shot, the Indians arose and help up what they were bringing, saying, “Take, take.” I think that another 500 swam to the ships because they did not have canoes, and we were anchored 3 miles from land! I judge that five princes, sons of chiefs, with all their servants, including women and children, came to see us. I ordered that something be given to everyone, for it was well spent. May Our Lord in His mercy direct me until I find this gold - this mine - because I have many people here who say that they know where it is.

My secretary and the boats arrived during the night, saying that they had traveled a great distance, and that at the mountain of Caribatan they had found many canoes with a great many people who were coming from the place to which we were headed. I consider it certain that, if I can be in that harbor for Christmas, everyone on this island will come there to see us, and I estimate that this island is larger than England. My men tell me that this village is larger and with better arranged streets than any others we have passed and discovered up to now. The village is about 9 miles SE of Punta Santa.*

Since the canoes go rapidly with oars, they went on ahead to inform the Cacique that we were coming. I have not been sure, up until now, whether Cacique meant king or governor. They also have another word for a nobleman, Nitaino. I do not know if this means hidalgo, governor, or judge.

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