Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Excerpt from: The Log of Christopher Columbus * Tuesday, 25 December 1492 Christmas Day (Part 3)

Taken from The Log of Christopher Columbus (Part 3)

Tuesday, 25 December 1492 - Christmas Day

I took my crew to the Nina for their safety, and as there was a light land breeze and still half the night ahead of us, and since I did not know how far the banks extended, I eat about till daybreak and then went inside the bank to the ship. I also dispatched Diego de Arana, master-at-arms of the fleet, and Pedro Gutierrez, representative of the Royal Household, to take the small boat and go directly to the King that had last Saturday invited me to his village. I instructed them to beg the King to come to this harbor with his boats.

The village of this King is about 5 miles beyond this bank. My men told me that the King wept when he heard of the disaster. He sent all his people from the village with many large canoes to help us unload the ship. The King displayed great haste and diligence, and everything was unloaded in a very brief space of time. He himself personally assisted the unloading, along with his brothers and relatives, and guarded what was taken ashore in order that everything might be completely secure.

From time to time the King sent one of his relatives to me, weeping, to console me, and they said that I was not to be troubled or annoyed, for the King would give me whatever he possessed. I certify to Your Highnesses that in no part of Castile could things be so secure; not even a shoe string was lost!

The King ordered everything placed near the houses, even emptying some in order that everything could be stored and guarded. He ordered armed men placed around the houses to guard everything all night. He, with all his people in the village, wept a great deal. They are an affectionate people, free from avarice and agreeable to everything. I certify to Your Highnesses that in all the world I do not believe there is a better people or a better country. They love their neighbors as themselves, and they have the softest and gentlest voices in the world and are always smiling. They may go naked, but Your Highnesses may be assured that they have very good customs among themselves, and the King maintains a most marvelous state, where everything takes place in an appropriate and well-ordered manner. It is a pleasure to see all of this. These people have good memories and want to see everything; they ask what things are and for what purpose they are used.

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