Monday, December 23, 2013

Excerpt from: The Log of Christopher Columbus * Sunday, 23 December 1492 (Part 5)

Taken from The Log of Christopher Columbus (Part 5)

Sunday, 23 December 1492

When my secretary and his men were in the Cacique’s village, he finally came to them, and all the people of the village, more than 2,000 of them, came together in the plaza, which was very clean. This King* paid great honors to the men, giving them food and drink. Then the King gave each one some cotton cloths such as the women wear, and parrots for me, and some gold. The common people also gave the sailors some of the same cloths and other things from their houses in exchange for the little trifles that were given them. Judging by the way they received them, it seemed as though these items were of great value. In the afternoon, when my men wished to leave, the King begged them to stay, as did all of the people. But when they saw that my men were determined to depart, many of the Indians went with them, carrying on their backs the gifts from the King and from the people, as far as the boats, which remained at the entrance of the river.

*Columbus uses este rey here (“this king”). He frequently interchages king, lord, chief (cacique), etc.

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