Friday, December 27, 2013

Excerpt from: The Log of Christopher Columbus * Thursday, 27 December 1492

Taken from The Log of Christopher Columbus
Thursday, 27 December 1492

At sunrise the King of this land came to the Nina and told me that he had sent for gold and wanted to cover me from head to foot with it before I departed, and he begge...d me not to leave before this. He ate with me, as did his brother and another close relative. Both the brother and the relative told me that they wished to go to Castile with me. At this time it was reported by an Indian messenger that the caravel Pinta had come to a river at the end of this island. This was the first report of its whereabouts since the night of 22 November, when it sailed east for the island of Babeque. The Cacique, who loved me so much that it was a marvel, instantly dispatched a canoe there, and one of my men went with it. I was already preparing to return to Castile as soon as possible.

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