Taken from The Log of Columbus
Saturday, 22 December 1492 (Part 2)
The Indians in the canoe met the boat from the ship and gave the belt to a boy and came with their canoe alongside the ship. Quite a bit of time was spent trying to communicate with each other, because the Indians with me had difficulty understanding these Indians. There is some difference in the names of things.* Finally, through the use of signs, I understood the invitation they were extending, and I determined to star for the Chief’s village tomorrow, although I am not in the habit of leaving port on Sunday. This is solely on account of devotion and has nothing to do with any superstition whatever. Furthermore, I am striving to please these people and be agreeable to them because the good will they display makes me hope that they will be converted to Christianity. I trust that this will be accomplished by the Sovereigns of Castile because I already consider that they belong to the Sovereigns and that they may serve the Sovereigns with zeal.
*Columbus makes the first reference to a language change. He is approaching the linguistic frontier of Taino, or Island Arawak.
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